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Financial Reports


The Township of Billings is responsible for setting a budget each year. Through this process we evaluate programs and services to meet the needs of our community.

The budget is divided into two main areas:

Capital - This budget covers municipal projects related to new assets or rehabilitating existing ones, including roads, bridges, equipment, facilities such as the Park Centre and more.

Operating - This budget covers the day-to-day operations and funds municipal services and programs such as snow removal, facility and parks maintenance, fire protection services, by-law enforcement, economic development and road maintenance and repair.

There are a number of factors that affect the preparation of the annual budget. These include, inflation, market conditions, growth and development and policy decisions of Council.

Financial Reporting

For each fiscal year ending December 31st, an external auditor prepares financial statements for the municipality.

The Financial Information Return (FIR) is the main data collection tool used by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to collect financial and statistical information on municipalities.

Water System Financial Plan

The Township of Billings provides drinking water to over 200 customers, including municipal connections, through its Drinking Water System and recovers its costs through annual flat fees charged to customers. The Township retains the services of the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) to operate the facility.

The primary purpose of this document is to present a water financial plan in accordance with the requirements of the licensing of the water system, as defined in O.Reg. 453/07 to allow the Township of Billings to fulfill its obligations under the drinking water licensing regulations for its Drinking Water System (Licence no. 255-101).

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