The Township of Billings will be using Vote by Mail for the 2018 Municipal Election. This system replaces the traditional polling place method and eliminates the need for advanced polls and proxy voting.
All persons listed on the Voters’ List will be mailed a Voter Kit including instruction sheet and ballot, in late September 2018.
To ensure your vote is received at the municipal office prior to the voting deadline, your ballot must be mailed by October 11, 2018. Alternatively, you can deliver it in person to the municipal office, 15 Old Mill Road, Kagawong, up to and including October 19th, 2018 during regular office hours (Monday to Thursday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm; Friday 8:30 am – 12:00 noon). On Voting Day, October 22th, 2018 you can deliver your ballot in person to the municipal office from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm.
Electors are advised to inquire at the municipal office in person to ensure that their name and relevant information are correctly shown on the Voters’ List.
A person may apply to amend the Voters’ List relating to their own name until the close of voting on voting day, October 22nd, 2018.
Megan Bonenfant
Deputy Clerk
September 21, 2018