Mayor’s Message on COVID-19 – September 1, 2020
Hello everyone, week 24 for my messages.
Today marks six months since I started my messages weekly on COVID-19. We are now quite familiar with the protocols that appear to be working and at the risk of sounding like the broken record, the need to maintain this new normal has not diminished.
The reopening of our schools is slated for September 8, 2020 for most places in Ontario. All elementary schools in the province will open for conventional in-person teaching, five days per week. Parents will have the option to opt their children out of in-person delivery if choose so.
Secondary schools, in school boards designated by the province, will open with approximately 15 students per class on alternating schedules with at least 50% in-class instruction (primarily urban areas). Secondary schools in non-designated school boards will be permitted to open with conventional delivery with enhanced health and safety protocols.
Students in grades 4 to 12 will be required to wear masks indoors on school property (with some exceptions). Teachers and staff will be provided with all appropriate personal protective equipment.
This reopening will be a huge challenge for all involved and will be a little like a walk into the dark as we see how well these protocols work.
The vast majority of the public agree that getting our children back to school is vital to their long-term health and welfare. We can all play a role in the days, weeks and months ahead to find a way to make this back-to-school a safe, productive experience.
Thank you,