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Councillor Vacancy

Is now accepting applications
To fill a

Interested Applicants shall submit a detailed application package
that includes the following

• Confirmation that you meet the Eligibility requirements (Section 17, of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996)
• An outline of your community involvement over the past five years (not to exceed 2 pages/500 words)
• A statement regarding your availability for meetings (daytime and evening) and for participation in community events

Potential candidates are requested to contact
Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer/CAO
To obtain an information package

Detailed Applications with a Cover Letter
Must be submitted by December 14, 2016 at Noon
Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer/CAO
15 Old Mill Rd, PO Box 34
Kagawong, ON  P0P 1J0
705-282 2611 ext 223
Fax: 705 282 3199