Council of the Corporation of
The Township of Billings
Regular Meeting
September 2, 2014
PRESENT: Mayor Austin Hunt, Councillors Sharon Alkenbrack, Sandi Hurcomb, Tom Imrie, Brian Parker
Staff: Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer
Media: Tom Sasvari, Sharon Jackson
Delegations: Ron Berti for MTA; Sophie Edwards for 4elements and Jill Ferguson for the Billings Library.
2014-214 Parker – Hurcomb
BE IT RESOLVED THAT this regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Billings be opened with a quorum present at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Austin Hunt presiding in the Chair.
2014-215 Hurcomb – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the August 21, 2014 regular meeting of Council be accepted as presented.
Ron Berti, President of Manitoulin Tourist Association made a presentation to Council regarding revisiting the organizations mandate.
Sophie Edwards, of 4elements, presented Council with information regarding 4elements partnering with MICA (Manitoulin Island Cycling Association) and funding that they were applying for.
Jill Ferguson, Librarian of the Billings Township Library updated Council on the Library usage and what was needed. Ms. Ferguson asked Council for support in principle for the Library to apply for a Trillium grant to expand and renovate the library.
2014-216 Imrie – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Billings Council supports the Library Board Trillium Grant application in principle.
Councillor Sharon Alkenbrack reported on the Economic Development Committee and their plans for this fall.
Mayor Hunt reported on the Planning Board meeting August 14, 2014.
2014-217 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council supports the described Earth Caching project as provided by Matt Marko, and authorizes the listing to be placed on website.
2014-218 Alkenbrack – Hurcomb
BE IT RESOVED THAT whereas the potential exists for a “Lame Duck” Council to occur as of September 12, 2014 and whereas the Municipal Act restricts the actions of a “Lame Duck” Council, be it resolved that Council directs the Clerk Treasurer to act with the authority of Council with respect to matters related to the Water Treatment Plan contract during the Lame Duck period, and further that Council delegates authority under Section 275(3) as required under the Act.
2014-219 Hurcomb – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes the following accounts for payment:
General Accounts $54,259.78
Water Capital Account $ 2,731.99
and that the Mayor and Treasurer be authorized to sign cheques number 2452 to 2487 and 0072 as described in the attached register.
2014-220 Hurcomb – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT in accordance with section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. Chapter 25 this Council proceed to a closed session at 8:58 p.m. in order to discuss matters pertaining to d) Labour relations or employee negotiations.
2014-221 Alkenbrack – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adjourns form this in camera meeting at 9:17 p.m. and resumes our regular meeting.
2014-222 Parker – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2014-31, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council be given first, second and third reading and enacted.
2014-223 Alkenbrack – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adjourns from this regular meeting of Council at 9:18 p.m. until our next regular meeting of September 15, 2014, or Call of the Chair.
____________________________________ ___________________________
Austin Hunt, Mayor Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer
These minutes have been prepared but are not considered official until approved by Council at a subsequent meeting.