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May 5, 2015 Minutes

Council of the Corporation of
The Township of Billings
Regular Meeting
May 5, 2015

PRESENT: Deputy Mayor Sharon Alkenbrack, Councillors Barb Erskine, Tom Imrie and Brian Parker
Regrets: Mayor Austin Hunt
Staff: Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer
Delegations: B.J. Allison Re: Planning File 8011ZBL-15-001
Media: Tom Sasvari, Sharon Jackson
Members of the General Public

2015-114 Erskine – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT this regular meeting of Council be opened at 7:30 p.m. with Deputy Mayor Sharon Alkenbrack presiding in the Chair.

2015-115 Parker – Erskine
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the April 20, 2015 regular meeting of Council be accepted as presented.

B.J. Allison, LL.B made a presentation to Council regarding Planning Board File 8011ZBL-15-001.

Councillor Imrie reported on the May 4, 2015 Museum Board meeting.
Councillor Parker reported on the Deer Management meeting that he attended last week.
Councillor Erskine reported on the Green Living Day held in Kagawong May 2, 2015.
Councillor Alkenbrack reported on the April 21, 2015 Library Board Meeting.
2015-116 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2015-18, being a By-Law for the purpose of amending Zoning By-law 80-11, in respect to Amendment Application File No. 8011ZBL-15-001,
1. Rezones Parts 1 and 2, Plan 31R-958 from Commercial Recreation (CF) to Shoreline Residential (SR) Zone; and
2. Despite Schedule “A” Performance Standard Chart, Section 7.5, Shoreline Residential (SR) Zone, of the Restricted Area Zoning By-Law 80-11, add to Section 8, Special Provisions the following Subsection 8.30 to
i) permit a dwelling unit (identified as Cottage “A”) located within Part 2, Plan 31R-958, to have a minimum front yard setback of 7.0 metres; and
ii) permit a dwelling unit (identified as Cottage “B”) located within Part 1, Plan 31R-958, to have a minimum front yard setback of 5.0 metres, and a north side yard setback of 1.0 metres.

within those lands described as Part Lot 1, Concession V, surveyed as Parts 1 and 2, Plan 31R-958, Township of Allan, Municipality of Billings and Allan East, District of Manitoulin, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Manitoulin (31).
Read a first, second and third time this 5th day of May, 2015 and enacted.

2015-117 Erskine – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council appoints Tom Imrie as the Manor Board representative, representing Gore Bay and Billings Township.

2015-118 Erskine – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED that the Township permits the Library Board to charge purchases on the Township Credit Card as long as the credit card purchases are completed by municipal office staff and that the Township is reimbursed the money within forty-five days.

2015-119 Parker – Imrie
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council delegates authority to Kathy McDonald to represent the Township for municipal business with all Federal and Provincial Government agencies.

2015-120 Imrie – Parker
WHEREAS, the OPP have decided to close the search and rescue helicopter base in Sudbury and move it to Orillia,
AND WHEREAS, most of the calls were related to hunters or fishermen missing in remote areas of the North,
AND WHEREAS, there is much more remote area in Northern Ontario than in Southern Ontario, which means there is a greater need here than in Southern Ontario for an aircraft dedicated to emergency response,
AND WHEREAS, locating the search and rescue helicopter in Orillia will delay rescue efforts in the North,
AND WHEREAS, any potential financial savings in relocating the search and rescue helicopter does not compensate for the loss of a life,
BE IT RESOLVED that Council does not support this decision and requests that the OPP reconsider the “cost cutting” decision and have the search and rescue helicopter remain in Sudbury, where it can respond to Northern emergencies in a timely manner;
AND BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk Treasurer send a copy of this resolution to MPP Mantha, MP Hughes, the Premier and the Manitoulin Municipal Association to reverse the decision of the OPP.
2015-121 Erskine – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council has no objection to a business being open on public holidays in 2015 and gives approval for stores to be open, including LCBO agencies.

2015-122 Alkenbrack – Imrie
WHEREAS, resolution 2015-99, being a resolution to authorize the accounts for payment of April 7, 2015, did not match the accounts for payment that was attached to the resolution,
AND WHEREAS, the Accounts for payment contained the correct amounts,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT for the April 5 2015 meeting the correct Accounts for payment for the Water Capital project is $23,333.23 as described in the April 7 Accounts for Payment Register.

2015-123 Alkenbrack – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes the following accounts for payment:

General Accounts $100,639.72
Water Capital Account $ 4,779.87

and that the Mayor and Treasurer be authorized to sign cheques number 3030 to 3065 and 86 and 87 as described in the attached register.

2015–124 Erskine – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2015-21, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council be given first, second and third reading and enacted.

2015-125 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adjourns from this regular meeting of Council at 8:26 p.m. until our next regular meeting of May 19, 2015, or Call of the Chair.
_______________________________  ________________________________
Sharon Alkenbrack, Deputy Mayor                   Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer


These minutes have been prepared but are not considered official until approved by Council at a subsequent meeting.