Council of the Corporation of
The Township of Billings
Regular Meeting
May 16, 2016
PRESENT: Mayor Austin Hunt, Councillors Sharon Alkenbrack, Barbara Erskine, Tom Imrie and Brian Parker
STAFF: Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer/CAO and Rick Rusk, Public Works Superintendent
Media: Tom Sasvari and Sharon Jackson
Member of the General Public
2016-136 Alkenbrack – Imrie
BE IT RESOLVED THAT this regular meeting of Council be opened with a quorum present at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Hunt presiding.
2016-137 Alkenbrack –Erskine
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda for the May 16, 2016 regular meeting of Council be accepted as amended.
New Business Item 8 c) was removed from the agenda (computer quote)
2016-138 Erskine – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts the minutes of the May 3 2016 regular meeting as presented.
2016-139 Parker – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts the Minutes of the May 10, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting as presented.
Councillor Imrie reported on the Museum Board meeting.
Councillor Imrie reported on the Centennial Manor Board
Councillor Erskine reported on the Recreation Committee and the grand re-opening of the gym.
Councillor Erskine reported on the Family Fun Forum held May 14, 2016.
Councillor Alkenbrack reported on the Economic Development Committee meeting held last week.
Mayor Hunt reported on the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities conference that he attended last week.
2016-140 Erskine – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts the 2016 Budget as presented.
2016-141 Erskine – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 2016-21, being a by-law to appoint a person in charge of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Personal Property for Billings Township be given first, second, third reading and enacted.
2016-142 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council instructs the Clerk Treasurer to send a list of the properties that have three years, or more, in taxes owing to Ontario Property Services in order to start the tax sale process.
2016-143 Alkenbrack – Erskine
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2016-22, being a by-law to amend the terms of reference for the Heritage Committee be given first, second, third reading and enacted.
2016-144 Parker – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Billings authorizes Andrew McGauley to make improvements to the unopened shared road allowance located on Lot 1 Con 2 Billings Township, at his own expense in order to gain access to his property and under the supervision of NEMI’s Manager of Public Works.
2016-145 Imrie – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts, with regret, the resignation of Wes Newburn from the Museum Board and further that Council write a letter expressing Council’s appreciation to Wes for his tireless efforts and outstanding leadership.
2016-146 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council directs the Clerk Treasurer to post the vacancy on the Museum Board on the Town website, at the Post office and at the Bridal Veil Esso.
2016-147 Alkenbrack – Erskine
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes the following accounts for payment:
General Accounts $92,105.73
And that the Mayor and Treasurer be authorized to sign cheques number 3775 to 3795 as described in the attached register.
2016-148 Imrie – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2016-23, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council be given first, second, third reading and enacted.
2016-149 Imrie – Alkenbrack
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adjourns from this regular meeting at 8:05 p.m., until our next regular meeting of June 7, 2016 or Call of the Chair.
______________________________ ________________________________
Austin Hunt, Mayor Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer/CAO
These minutes have been prepared but are not considered official until approved by Council at a subsequent meeting.