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August 19, 2013 Meeting Minutes

PRESENT: Councillors Sandi Hurcomb, Tom Imrie and Gerry Mack
Staff: Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer, and Rick Rusk, Public Works Superintendent
Media: Tom Sasvari
Members of the General Public

Regrets: Mayor Austin Hunt and Councillor Brian Parker

[well size=”well-normal”]2013-244 Imrie – Mack

BE IT RESOLVED THAT this regular meeting of Council be opened with a quorum of members present at 7:30 p.m. with Councillor Hurcomb presiding in the Chair.


[well size=”well-normal”]2013-245 Mack – Imrie

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts the minutes of the August 2, 2013 regular meeting as presented.


Councillor Mack reported on the Community Pot Luck Supper held August 15, 2013. Approximately 125 people attended.

Councillor Imrie reported on the Art of Being Billings meeting.

Councillor Imrie reported on the History Night held by the Museum on August 15, 2013.

[well size=”well-normal”]2013-246 Mack – Imrie

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council directs the Clerk Treasurer to proceed with bat eradication by the Town Property Manager as recommended by the extermination company.


[well size=”well-normal”]2013-247 Imrie – Mack

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council does not support the application for a portable storage container at 14 Village Lagoon Road as the lot is zoned Hamlet.


[well size=”well-normal”]2013-248 Imrie Mack

WHEREAS, The Council for the Township of Billings was not directly consulted prior to development of a Draft Official Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Council of the Township of Billings has identified a number of concerns within the Draft Official Plan; and

WHEREAS, The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has been afforded the opportunity to review and comment on the Draft Plan before affected Municipalities have reviewed or commented on it; and

WHEREAS, The Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands has voiced their concerns with respect to some of the content of the Draft Plan and many of those concerns are shared by the Township of Billings; and

WHEREAS, the Township of Billings has previously expressed its concerns in the form of a resolution regarding the use of the term “settlement clusters” to describe Villages and Hamlets; and

WHEREAS, neither the Manitoulin Planning Board nor the Consultant company acknowledged or responded to this concern;

THEREFORE, BE IT NOW RESOLVED that the Township of Billings supports the concerns of the Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands identified in its Resolution 210-07-13, and directs the Clerk Treasurer to communicate our concerns in writing to the Manitoulin Planning Board, its consultant company and other municipalities on the Island;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this communication include direction to the Manitoulin Planning

Board that an official response to our concerns from the Board is expected before Public Consultation meetings planed for the Fall.


[well size=”well-normal”]2013-249 Imrie – Mack

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council agrees that the Municipality will pay the registration and expenses of the Clerk Treasurer to attend the LAS Energy Workshop in Sudbury in October.


[well size=”well-normal”]2013-250 Mack – Imrie

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council be authorized to sign cheques number 1448 to 1496 as described in the attached register.


[well size=”well-normal”]2013-251 Imrie – Mack

BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2013-41, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading and enacted.


[well size=”well-normal”]2013-252 Imrie – Mack

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adjourns from this regular meeting of Council at 7:55 p.m. until our next regular meeting of September 3, 2013, or Call of the Chair.
