Council of the Corporation of
The Township of Billings
Regular Meeting
April 5, 2016
PRESENT: Mayor Austin Hunt, Councillors Sharon Alkenbrack, Barbara Erskine, Tom Imrie and Brian Parker
STAFF: Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer/CAO and Rick Rusk, Public Works Superintendent
MEDIA: Tom Sasvari
Members of the General Public
2016-096 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT this regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Billings be opened with a quorum present at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Austin Hunt presiding.
2016-097 Parker – Imrie
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda for the April 5, 2016 regular meeting of Council be accepted as amended.
Added to the agenda under 12. Closed Session was a) Identifiable individual.
Councilor Sharon Alkenbrack declared a pecuniary interest in item 8.e) Boardwalk Shops.
2016-098 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council accepts the Minutes of the March 21, 2016 regular meeting of Council as presented.
Councillor Imrie reported on the webinar Aging in Place that he participated in on March 31, 2016.
Councillor Erskine reported on the Recreation Committee Pie Pastry 101 Course and the preparations for the Green Living Expo.
Councillor Erskine reported on the Go Green Committee meeting last week.
Councillor Alkenbrack met with Kendra Edwards to discuss the new brochure for the township.
Mayor Hunt reported on the FONOM meeting that he attended last week.
2016-099 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2016-16, being a by-law to enter into a lease agreement with Pat Hess for a portion of the marina warehouse be given first, second, third reading and enacted.
2016-100 Imrie – Erskine
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves the quote from AKFIT in the amount of $21,688.19 for equipment and $1469 for annual maintenance.
2016-101 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2016-13, being a by-law to establish the Terms of Reference for a Heritage Committee be given first reading.
2016-102 Parker – Imrie
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council appoints Phyllis Cacciotti to the Library Board.
2016-103 Parker – Imrie
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Economic Development Committee members, being appointed by Council are: Sharon Alkenbrack, Ardiss Fenske, Lori Graham, Scott Graham, Pat Hess, Austin Hunt, Diane Larocque, Roger Lloyd, Rick Rusk, Steve Suite and Gail Zavitz.
2016-104 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council instructs the Clerk Treasurer to send out Request for Proposals for the Library Stairs.
2016-105 Imrie – Parker
WHEREAS, the Township of Billings advertised for rent the three Boardwalk Shops;
AND WHEREAS, the Township received three applications, which were sent to the Committee of Brian Parker and Tom Imrie for Selection;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT on the recommendation of the Selection Committee, Council instructs the Clerk Treasurer to enter into a rental agreement for the Boardwalk Shops with Debbie Graham, Ardiss Fenske and the Gail Zavitz group.
Councillor Alkenbrack did not participate in the discussion or take part in the vote due to declaring a pecuniary interest.
2016-106 Alkenbrack – Imrie
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes the following accounts for payment:
General Accounts $158,173.31
and that the Mayor and Treasurer be authorized to sign cheques number 3706 to 3730 as described in the attached register.
2016-107 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT in accordance with Section 239 (1) b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. Chapter 25, this Council proceed to a Closed Session at 8:00 p.m. in order to discuss a matter pertaining to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board.
2016-108 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOVLED THAT Council adjourns from this in camera meeting and resumes our regular meeting at 8:40 p.m.
2016-109 Parker – Imrie
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 2016-17, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council be given first, second and third reading and enacted.
2016-110 Imrie – Parker
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adjourns from this meeting at 8:45 p.m. until our next regular meeting of April 18, 2016, or Call of the Chair.
_____________________________ _______________________________
Austin Hunt, Mayor Kathy McDonald, Clerk Treasurer/CAO
These minutes have been prepared but are not considered official until approved by Council at a subsequent meeting.